Friday, July 19, 2013

Drink Blueberry Iced Tea for the Taste and Health Benefits

Blueberry iced tea has become a popular choice among tea drinkers because of the zesty, thirst-quenching flavor and the natural medicinal properties that are present.

In fact, more scientific studies are indicating compelling health-related findings associated with consuming blueberries, in general. Therefore, the health and wellness benefits from drinking flavored tea on a regular basis are two-fold.

First, this flavored blend is brewed from black or green tea, which contain antioxidant properties that promote good health.

Second, by adding blueberries to the beverage, drinkers benefit from even more disease fighting attributes. There is growing evidence that blueberries are powerful disease fighters.

According to researchers at the USDA Human Nutrition Center, blueberries rank #1 in antioxidant activity when compared to 40 other fresh fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants help neutralize harmful by-products of metabolism called "free radicals" that can lead to cancer and other age related diseases.

The blend can be easily made by adding dried blueberry leaves and/or dried or fresh berries to your tea and boiling water. Then, simply steep, strain and serve hot or over ice. You may want to add some sugar, honey or flavored syrup to suit your palette.

You can also purchase ready-made blueberry tea bags; though, they may not offer as many antioxidant properties as making your own brew.

A variety of other flavors can be added to your blueberry tea to create a special taste treat. Consider adding some cream for a richer-bodied drink. Or, create your own fruit tea recipe by adding pomegranate, cherry or blackberry to your brew.

This article was written by Jules Sowder. Visit for more information on tea including varieties, brewing, and health benefits.

Men's Fashion Coordination: Color Matching Against Your Skin Complexion

One of the biggest fashion questions for men is usually the lack of understanding on how to color coordinate and look sharp and smart. In order to stay safe, we always see men wearing clothes with colors maintained within navy, blue tones, black and white, or khakis. While I strongly believe that men can definitely move out of these colors as men’s fashion has evolved tremendously.

We are experiencing men’s clothing which are colored more vibrantly and playing with more patterns at the same time. So what colors should we settle for? We should always wear colors that either warms up our face or bring focus toward it. The most common mistake is men thinks that wearing white is the best of choice since it is considered a universal color. Unfortunately, it is not the case because pale skinned men with light colored hair looks very much paler with white shirts.

It would be better to actually wear earthy colored shirts or medium blue colored shirts. These two tones of colors help to warm up their faces and create more attention toward the face rather the clothing. What about men with highly differentiated complexion and hair colors like light-colored skin with dark hair?

This group of men actually has a lot of rooms to play around with colors. They can easily wear shirts that are light colored or dark colored and yet not shift the focal point away from the face. Men with medium differentiation, for example tanned skin with dark-colored hair, are more suitable to settle for lighter colored shirts rather than dark colored ones. The dark colored shirts against the skin and hair will create a heavily toned down look and not brighten up his face.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Fat People & Babies Agree - Abercrombie & Fitch SUCKS!! #blissedin - BEXLIFE

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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

How Can I Lose Weight - By Transitioning My Life

How Can I Lose Weight, Part 2

This is Part 2 of the article How Can I Lose Weight. Make a decision to avoid diets and you will improve your health and fitness and lose weight.

In part 2 you will learn how to lose weight fast by transitioning from the lifestyle you are presently living to a new life of lean muscle and healthy weight through behavioral change.

To increase your metabolic rate and fat burning it is important to eat nutritiously and keep your carbohydrates, proteins and fats in balance.

The "Hollywood Diet" is like so many other fad diets it is here today and replaced by another fad diet tomorrow. If you want to lose weight and stay healthy then eat food that is full of vitamins and minerals and that will give your body what it needs.

These are the Types of foods to Eat and the Types of Foods to Avoid

To keep up a high energy level during the day it is essential to consume complex carbohydrates like pasta, whole grains, breads, and cereals.

Minimize your consumption of processed baked goods, candy, soda and other simple carbohydrates.

You will increase your excess body fat if you do not control your consumption of these foods which have little or no nutritional value.

You can forget about how to lose weight fast if you are eating too many low carbohydrate foods. There is a connection between our blood sugar levels and our insulin. Our insulin regulates our blood sugar level and if we have excess sugar it will be stored at body fat. If our blood sugar is too elevated we will find that we are really tired and hungry and then we repeat this cycle again and again. You will prevent this problem if you eat complex carbohydrates in sensible amounts. If you consume foods that are high in proteins you will maintain the cell structures of your body and build lean muscle, like soy products, beans, lean meats, poultry and fish. If you consume too much protein and it is in more than what your body needs, the excess protein will be stored as fat and the health of your kidneys and liver will be adversely effected. You should be ok if you eat a reasonable amount of protein.

If you are measuring your protein consumption then for each pound of your bodyweight have about 0.5 grams of protein. This is the amount you need to help the growth of your lean muscle tissue.

Sources of Protein

Animal and plants are the 2 sources of protein. Most of our protein comes from animal sources in the United States. A diet that is too high in protein can increase your risk of disease, recent data suggests.

If you compare eating animal protein to eating plant protein you will be hungrier after eating animal protein because of the lower amount of fiber in animal protein.

An excess of animal protein can keep you from burning fat.

Try and get most of your protein from plant sources, such as soy, beans, legumes and less from animal sources.

The fats in nuts, oils and protein are fats that it is important to eat. Fat is a key component to the regeneration of your skin, hair and nails.

There are many fad diets around that have people on very low fat diets and others that are very high fat diets.

The most significant idea to remember is to not go to extremes but do include in your diet lean protein and also small amounts of nuts, seeds and oils.

Portion Sizes

I would advise that instead of counting calories to determine the quantity of nutrients you plan to eat, that you have portion sizes that are around the size of the palm of your hand. Then have a balance of two vegetable and complex carbohydrate portions and one portion of protein at each meal.

consume larger portions of green vegetables, they are low in calories and will give you added fiber and enzymes that will assist you in your digestion.

Eating plenty of green vegetables will also give you the vitamins and minerals that you want to support good health. Remember to consume foods high in nutrition. As a result you will burn fat and lose weight faster.

How many meals per Day

To burn the most body fat how many times should we eat per day.

If you have a flexible schedule then it is much better to eat many times a day and in smaller portions. This will keep your metabolism high as each time you eat a small meal it raises your metabolism. If possible eat 5 or 6 small meals a day with a lapse of about 3 hours between eating.

The three meals a day habit may be difficult to break. If it is too difficult to change from eating three meals a day then eat the 3 meals a day, but eat lesser amounts for each meal and add 2 or 3 more eating times during the day and have a fruit, granola bar or some other healthy snack.

The key is to focus on foods that your body needs, if you do this you will be full for a longer period of time.

New Recipes

Find new and delicious recipes to create and eat. Use the healthy foods that you will be eating and find recipes that include them and that leave out all of the unhealthy foods.

Behavioral Change

Use Behavioral Change to implement the changes that you require in your new healthy eating habits. This will insure that you are on your new healthy eating plan until your reach your goals and forever if you want to stay healthy and fit.

For more information visit

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

"How To Get Skinny FAST!"

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Sunday, July 14, 2013

How I Lost 10 Pounds + Diet Tips

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Saturday, July 13, 2013

Hoping Weight Loss Pills Will Really Work For You?

The glamour of loosing weight quickly by using weight loss pills has caught the imagination of thousands of health conscious people. Using such pills is very hard ignoring, as some of them are known to help you in reducing your weight within a short span of time. weight loss pills or herbal supplements are the buzzwords of the day and people flock to buy such weight loss aids with an alarming intensity! However, there is fierce debate raging among the scientific community about the efficacy of using these pills. Weight loss experts wonder as to whether such pills really work in practice.

Are these weight loss pills really safe for your body? Do they form a safe option of loosing your weight? Here is a brief look at some of the types of weight loss pills, their advantages and disadvantages:

Most popular weight loss pills are essentially herbal and natural in nature and composition. These herbal pills are made by combining several natural ingredients in different quantities. A number of them are readily available in your favorite super store, while some of them are up for sale online on sales portals as well. Most of these pills are yet to be clinically tested and proved comprehensively for safety standards. A well known example is perhaps the herb, Bitter Orange, which is known to suppress your appetite, so that you don’t feel hungry to eat your food. On the other hand, weight loss pills made out of a substance called Chitosan, is known to block absorption of dietary fat into your body, which may prove quite dangerous under high dosages. Country Mallow is yet another herbal substance that is supplied in the form of weight loss pills. Ephedra and Guar Gum are also known to possess some properties, that control your appetite and block dietary fat metabolism.

How these weight loss pills interact and work individually and collectively with your body system, is still unknown and it needs further advanced research. Using these pills could be a risky venture, especially if you’re taking other synthetic medications, or if you’ve been suffering from one of those terminal diseases. Keep in your mind that even if you’re currently ingesting these weight loss pills, you still have to consume and use some amount of calories, than your body actually uses, just in order to lose weight.

If you’ve have been taking these weight loss pills, you’ll need to be on your guard to avoid many unforeseen adverse side effects. Neither these pills are clinically tested and proven for safe use nor are their chemical structure conducive for human consumption. A majority of these weight loss pills are a combination of more than ten substances, whose real effects are yet to be tested. Furthermore, they tend to drastically suppress your appetite, so that the energy reserve of your body system is made to deplete after sometime. This rapid depletion of body energy may create severe imbalances in your body system’s ability to carry on with normal metabolic processes.

Good Fat and Bad Fat

Good fat and Bad fat

To familiarize yourself with the good and bad fat

Saturated fats:

These "bad" fats are solid at room temperature. They are found mostly in animal foods (meats, poultry, dairy products) and in some vegetable products, such as coconut oil, palm kernel oil, and vegetable shortening. Saturated fat is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer, as well as many other cancers and diseases. The liver uses saturated fats to manufacture cholesterol, so it's important to restrict intake of saturated fat for this reason as well. Saturated fats should make up less than 10% of your total fat intake.

Trans-fatty acids:

These unnatural fats are created through a process called hydrogenation, which transforms unsaturated fats into saturated fats. But you won't see the words "trans-fatty acids" on food labels. Instead, look for "hydro-genated" or "partially hydrogenated" oil among the ingredients. Margarine, shortening, crackers, baked goods, and junk foods are typically high in hydrogenated oils. Trans-fatty acids extend the shelf life of products, but they do nothing to extend the life of the people who eat them. In fact, trans-fatty acids appear to play a role in causing breast cancer. They also interfere with the body's ability to utilize the good essential fatty acids, raise the level of bad cholesterol, and lower the level of good cholesterol.

Polyunsaturated fats:

This group contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which have both good and bad qualities. The omega-3s (also called linolenic oils) are found in flaxseed, hemp seed, walnut oils, and cold-water fish, such as salmon, tuna, and herring. Omega-3s protect against cancer and cardiovascular disease. Omega-6 fatty acids (also called linolenic oil) are found in vegetable oils, such as corn, safflower, and sunflower oils. In small amounts they can lower total cholesterol levels, but in larger amounts they can lower levels of the "good" cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein cholesterol), and they are associated with an increased risk of cancer

Mono-unsaturated fats:

This category includes the fats most often recognized as being healthy: olive oil, peanut oil, or any other fresh, unprocessed oil.

Any fats, even the healthy ones, can turn toxic if heated. Erasmus notes that "Frying once or twice won't kill us, but after ten, twenty, or thirty years of eating fried foods, our cells accumulate altered and toxic products for which they have not evolved efficient detoxifying mechanisms. Un-toasted sesame oil and olive oil are the most stable of the unsaturated oils and therefore may be heated more safely than other unsaturated oils, which include safflower, corn, and canola. These three commonly used oils are treated with sodium hydroxide and phosphoric acid, and are deodorized, bleached, and heated at high temperatures, all of which makes them unhealthy and likely to be carcinogenic.

Fat and Toxins

Dietary fat, especially animal fats, often contain pesticides hormones, fungicides, and other carcinogens. Food animals are fed large amounts of dangerous chemicals to make them fatter faster. These chemicals accumulate in the animal's fat, then are ingested by people. Because these toxins have an affinity for fat, women's breasts are a prime gathering spot for them. Thus, animal fat carries a double danger for women.

Fat and Estrogen

Given the compelling evidence that heightened exposure to estrogen is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer, the link between high fat intake and breast cancer is even more convincing. Estrogen has an affinity for fat. As a woman's fat intake increases, so do her levels of estrogen.

Recent study findings illustrate this concept well. At the University of Southern California, researchers found that women's estrogen levels are lowered by up to 23% when their intake of dietary fat is lowered to 10 to 20% of their diet. Significant reductions in estrogen were also seen in diets that contained 18 to 25% of calories from fat.

Scientists have also looked at fat intake, estrogen levels, and incidence of breast cancer among women who eat either a vegetarian or a vegan diet (no animal products at all). Fat intake is typically much lower in these women, so you would expect to ice lower estrogen levels as well. Research findings bear this out. One study of pre-menopausal vegetarians showed estrogen levels 23% lower than in non-vegetarians, while another study of postmenopausal vegans revealed that they had estrogen levels up to 40% lower.

Similarly, obesity is a risk factor for breast cancer, and overweight women have higher levels of estrogen than thinner women. That's because fat cells produce estrogen from the hormone androgen in the body. The higher the percentage of body fat, the greater the production of estrogen.

Some scientists say the relationship between dietary fat and breast cancer risk is so strong, if women reduced their fat intake by 50%, the risk of breast cancer could be lowered by about 250%. Tips on how you can greatly reduce your intake of bad fats and still eat foods you enjoy can be seen in my other article.

Related book :Ms Yvonne Lee Best Selling Breast Care Book! It describes and details breast care techniques from every corner of the world. The book is endorses by more then 80 well known doctor and surgeon from 28 countries.

This article is not designed as a substitute for personal medical advice but as a supplement to advice for those wishes to understand more about her condition.

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Friday, July 12, 2013

S02E04 Supersize Vs. Superskinny Season 2 Episode FOUR

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S02E04 Supersize Vs. Superskinny Season 2 Episode FOUR

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Thursday, July 11, 2013

The GFCF Diet and How it Helps People with Tourettes

Many people diet each and every year. Some diet for personal reasons, others diet in order to lose weight, others diet to lower their cholesterol levels. Diets are now being used to do everything from reduce acne, to control diabetes, and even help control some disorders such as ADHD and even Tourettes.

The diet that is being used to help control some of the symptoms of Tourettes is the Gluten-Free, Casein-Free or GFCF diet. This is certainly not the first diet to attempt to control the symptoms of Tourettes; the other major diet that has attempted this is called the Feingold diet. The GFCF diet removes milk and wheat from the food consumed, while the Feingold diet removes artificial colors, flavors and some of the preservatives found in foods.

Typically, the idea of the GFCF diets is not a treatment that is generally recommended by neurologists or pediatricians. Most doctors prefer to treat disorders and illnesses using more researched methods instead. There are many different diets that have been proven to provide benefits to those suffering from disorders and complications. It is refreshing to some who seek relief in any form they can find it.

Many parents are confused as to exactly what a diet has to do with the signs and symptoms of disorders, specifically behavioral disorders. Typically, the answers lie in the fact that it is generally sensitivity to the particular food that triggers the behavior. A better example that most people can understand is an allergy to fish, or even nuts. Many people exhibit significant allergic reactions to these foods up to the point where death is even possible for some.

While death is never a common symptom it is something that can easily exhibit the severity that food allergies can truly reach. This is the same example with dairy and wheat products in relation to Tourettes. It is suspected that an allergy to these foods produces a chemical reaction that causes a chemical to be released that the brain reads as a neurotransmitter and causes the presence of the tics associated with Tourettes.

Just as most food allergies are only experienced by a few, the symptoms of Tourettes are also only experienced by a few that can be linked to food sensitivities. Not everyone has the same reactions to all foods, however dairy and wheat products are being discovered to be a very sensitive food to many who are suffering from severe Tourettes symptoms. Studies have shown that some reactions to food products can even cause children to be hyper, and have some muscle spasms.

Some of the major indicators that diet has an effect on these disorders is that many who are suffering have been noted to have decreased levels of some nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, and even magnesium. It is suspected that the deficiencies in these nutrients is also a factor affecting the symptoms that are experienced by those with Tourettes who see an improvement in their symptoms after beginning a diet such as the GFCF.

Experts who suggest the diet methods suggest slowly eliminating foods from the diet one at a time, so that you can accurately pinpoint the food that triggers the symptoms to spike. They suggest omitting the food from the diet for 4-7 days per food item, and very carefully monitoring the behavior changes that occur due to the food being removed. Some experts suggest replacing the food after you think you have found the trigger food so that you can see if you achieve the same results more than once. This is a good way to check the results.

One suggestion for those attempting to diagnose the food sensitivity themselves is to think back to early childhood days. If when your child was younger, they suffered sensitivities or allergies to specific foods then, it is recommended to cut those foods from the diet first since they may be the culprit of the problems now. This is not always effective, and does need to be done on a trial and error basis until the true food culprit is discovered. However, it should be noted, that no matter how much trial and error you do, you may not discover the food that causes your symptoms.

Not everyone who attempts the GFCF diet has success; however, it seems to be a very successful method that is perfectly natural. It is also a treatment method that does not involve heavy involvement from a doctor, which can mean medical bills are reduced. While it is possible to avoid the use of a doctor as much for those having luck with the GFCF diet they should still seek the advice of a doctor before beginning, or at the very least a nutritionist so that if problems occur they can be corrected quickly.

Remember that with any diet, there is likely to be some nutrients omitted that the body does need in order to be healthy. You must ensure that those missing nutrients are replaced in some form, whether by adding certain foods to your diet, or by the use of a nutritional supplement. Otherwise, you can run the risk of creating other symptoms that must then be treated.

While the GFCF diet is showing great promise in helping many who suffer from severe symptoms regain some control over their lives, it is not the perfect method that has been thoroughly tested. People should carefully do research to learn as much as possible before attempting this diet so that they know exactly what to do if a problem occurs and what results they should expect. It is also recommended that it not be attempted if you are unwilling or unable to track the symptoms with each food change to ensure you are able to accurately note the problem foods.

While care should be taken when attempting this method, there is, nothing that says it is unsuccessful or dangerous. Nevertheless, with any diet, it does have its risks that should be considered carefully before beginning. With proper planning, patience and a willingness to do the appropriate research, it is possible to greatly improve the quality of life of those who suffer from Tourettes.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

How I Lost 30 Pounds!!!

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