Friday, March 6, 2009


Colour can affect us on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual planes, since man exists in all the four states simultaneously. An illness can be attributed to a disturbance in any one plane, although the effect may be seen in other planes as well.

For example, if a person has an upset stomach, it may be due to a physical disorder but he will also be emotionally disturbed and mentally tense. The same effect can be perceived when a person is emotionally upset.

In the first case,the cause is physical and, therefore,colour therapy is to be administered at the physical level. If the cause is emotional, the treatment is to be administered at the emotional level.This factor is very important because the choice of colour in each case is different.

On the physical plane:

  • Green and light blue make us restful
  • Orange is revitalising
  • Red stimulates
On the emotional plane:
  • Sky blue and turquoise are restful
  • Peach is revitalising
  • Orange is stimulating
On the mental plane:
  • Indigo is restful
  • Emerald green revitalises
  • Yellow stimulates
On the spiritual plane:
  • Blue is restful
  • Gold revitalises
  • Violet and purple stimulate
If one is looking for spiritual progress, then purple appears restful, whereas the colour gold revitalises. Violet acts as a stimulator. Those engaged in meditation should use violet in the meditation room.

Similarly, on the emotional level, if the therapy is to be administered and a person is emotionally not responsive, he needs the colour orange to revitalise him.

However, if emotions have drained the person, he needs a more restful colour like peach to revitalise him. On the mental level, if the person is mentally tried by excess work, one should use indigo to induce restfulness.

This article was taken from: Shreevedic


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