Add avocados to your diet. Avocados are great on sandwiches, in salads or alone. This fruit contains a high amount of lutein, a carotene that helps fight eye diseases. Avocados also contain vitamin E and are able to increase the amount of carotenoids extracted from other foods.
Eat at least one egg per day, as the yolks are especially helpful for raising blood levels of lutein and zeaxanthin by 25 to 30 percent. These nutrients are particularly beneficial in reducing the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. Try to stick to eggs from pasture-raised chickens, which produce the most beneficial eggs because their diets are rich in nutrients.
Incorporate salmon into your diet. Salmon is rich in DHA, which provides structural support to cell membranes and is recommended for dry eyes, treatment for macular degeneration and sight maintenance.
Incorporate garlic, onions, shallots and can capers, which contain sulfur that the body uses to produce glutathione, an antioxidant that benefits the lens of the eye. Garlic and onions also help maintain circulatory health, which benefits the eyes. Eat green, leafy vegetables daily. Spinach, collard greens, cabbage, broccoli and kale are rich in carotenoids (particularly lutein and zeaxanthin), which prevent degeneration in the eyes. The benefits of these vegetables stretch beyond the eyes as they contain other helpful vitamins and minerals that can improve health, including folic acid, vitamin A, B12, vitamin C and calcium. A diet rich in the antioxidants foods loaded in lutein and zeaxanthin specifically because they work to protect your retina from macular degeneration which is common during the aging process. Such foods include Spinach, carrots, green leafy vegetables, corn, and eggs are all great sources of these antioxidants. Cooking these foods in olive oil is even better or you because it increase the absorption rate for your body.
Add yellow and orange vegetables to your diet. Carrots, squash, pumpkins, sweet potatoes and other yellow or orange vegetables contain beta carotene, which is converted by the body into vitamin A. This important vitamin is an antioxidant that helps prevent stress damage to cells and tissues, including those found in the eyes.
Add red wine and small amounts of dark chocolate to your diet. Dark chocolate contains flavonoids, which protect the blood vessels in your eyes. One glass of red wine each day has been shown to have numerous health benefits, improving your vision, heart rate and blood flow.
Try bilberries if you are looking to add something different to your diet. Bilberries contain anthocyanosides, which improve blood supply to the eyes. Drink a lot of herbal teas certain teas such as Wolfberry contain a lot of carotenoids which have been shown to improve eye health. Chrysanthemum and peppermint teas are my two favorites plus they are both full of antioxidants. Finally, try drinking Gingko biloba and eyebright to improve your overall vision by increasing the blood circulation in the eyes.
Easy way to improve your eye health is to start taking pantothenic acid. This is a vitamin B which helps improve vision clarity as quick as just one day. It is taken under the tongue and 300mg every morning is shown to be the best. Pantothenic acid works to heighten your alertness so it may affect your sleep patterns if taken too closely to your bedtime
Reduce your chances of cataracts by taking vitamin E supplements. Eye specialists recommend supplements because it is absorbed by the body easier but it can be found in foods such as peanuts or peanut oil, Sunflower seeds, Almonds, Sunflower Oil Cottonseed oil, Safflower oil, Hazelnuts (filiberts), Mixed nuts Turnip greens, Tomato paste, Pine nuts, Peanut butter, Canola oil, Wheat germ, Avocado, Carrot, Corn oil, Olive oil, Dandelion greens, Blue crab, Brazil nuts, Herring, Green leafy vegetables
Start mixing in natural fish oils(omega3) into your diet. Most people do this simply by taking fish oil capsules but you can also eat cold water fish too. These oils help to improve your focus, see colors more vividly, improve your night vision, and work to correct near and far sightedness.
If you spend a lot of time online or working on a computer, it is important to rest them every once and awhile. Take a few minutes now and then to close them and just relax.
Also read the artice how to improve eye sight by natural exercise for improving your eyestrain
This article was taken from: articlebiz ehow
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