Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Colon Cleansing in Thailand Detox Retreats

Colon cleansing or detoxification basically means that you will have to follow a strict diet comprising of natural food and fiber, which will be supplemented with herbs that contain digestive enzymes and probiotics. Most Colon cleansing processes in Thailand are conducted in detox retreats like Orion Healing.
Colon cleansing is an important process as it helps in cleaning your digestive system so that you can enjoy a healthy lifestyle. Most often than not, colon cleansing will include the intake of useful herbs. These herbs have the ability to kill harmful germs, parasites, and other toxins. The use of herbs is recommended because some herbs contain probiotics or beneficial bacteria while others contain digestive enzymes. Specific herbs also help in stimulating liver and gall bladder. Most detoxification programs will stress on the use of psyllium and other colon or digestive system cleansing herb.
There are different types of colon cleansing programs offered in Thailand. The most basic detoxification program for bowel cleansing will include:
• Fasting on natural fruit and vegetable juice
• Fasting on water along with intake of raw fruits and vegetables
• Eating herbs containing probiotics
• Intake of Psyllium husk or flax seeds
• Use of bentonite clay
• Salt water enema

There are several benefits of colon detoxification especially if you are doing it at a reputed Thailand detox spas or detox center. Some of the benefits include slow down of the aging process, weight loss without feeling fatigued, losing flatulence and reducing bloating, prevention of headaches and much more. But before you can sign up for a colon cleansing process, here are some precautions worth considering:
1. Take advice from a reputable doctor before planning a visit to a Thailand detox retreat. This is priority if you have a history of health problems or are currently on medication for a particular health problem.
2. If you are visiting a detox center in Thailand then you need to ensure that disposable equipment or sterilized equipments are used.
3. Ask the Thailand detox center to provide you with a list of various herbal ingredients required for colon cleansing process. You should also ask for quantities to be used and their benefit.
4. Ask your doctor before hand if a particular herb can have a negative reaction. Herbs are not harmful but certain herbs can react with elements in the body causing nausea, vomiting etc.
Remember, detoxification is a way to clean your body for a healthier life. However, colon cleansing using detox methods may have implications. Best to detox body naturally and under the expert supervision of professionals at Detox Thailand resort. For more info on detoxification and colon cleansing visit our website

You can find additional info at the following links:
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