Wednesday, February 27, 2013

How I lost 40 Pounds in 6 Weeks

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Title: "How I Lost 40 Pounds in Six Weeks"
- by Kathy Thompson
(c) 2005 - Kathy Thompson - All Rights Reserved

"How I Lost 40 pounds in Six Weeks!"

It was the happiest day of my life! I was running down the concourse of the airport to catch my plane to a new life - in the Air Force. I felt free and alive for the first time in my life.

At first the Air Force didn't want me, because I was overweight!
But I did it! I lost the weight! I went from 165 pounds to 125 pounds. I made it! I felt fantastic! A whole new wardrobe of sizes 10's and 11's were waiting for me.
I lost 40 pounds in six weeks eating--only protein and drinking lots of water.

I drank a lot of water and took multi-vitamin pills. I kept busy looking for a job, playing golf, swimming,and drawing. In the mornings I did 15 sit-ups and 50 running in place. There was one consolation about not eating, no food bills. MacDonald's was next door.
Smelling those Big Mac's drove me crazy.
I was feeling much better aboutmyself and saw the difference.
My clothes were getting baggy and lose. The high protein diet was made for me, because I loved meat, eggs, cheese, and fish.

Two scrambled eggs (no butter), with tea made a good breakfast.
I mixed tuna and shrimp. Some chicken, cheese, a hard boiled egg was another meal. A piece of cheese melted between two thin broiled hamburger patties was a favorite of mine. I had some cottage cheese with it.

A take home box of chicken would last for three meals. I took the skin off. Plus I drank 8-10 glasses of water a day.

Then I had to wait six months before going active duty. During that summer I had a great time; biking, hiking, swimming, golfing.
I ate fresh fruits, vegetables, and watched what I ate. I was full of energy. I lost some more weight.

And during basic training, I lost even more weight. All that marching and running around, then eating military food! I was 115 pounds!

The key to the whole thing was I wanted it bad enough to make any diet work! I don't recommend this diet to anyone. It was mine. You have to find your own, and I'm willing to help you.

I use to be shy, backward, naive, and very heavy, 165 pounds  and 5 foot 4 inches.

My life changed forever. I have been studying nutrition and  fitness since, and now as a Wellness Coach I help others do the  same.

Here's The New You! You have --- Self-Esteem, Money Your  Pocket, Unlimited Energy, Confidence, More Time For Your  Children..and it's all from "The List Diet". Complete details are here:

Video Source: Youtube


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