Sunday, March 3, 2013

Juicing To Help Against Cancer.

We do our thing here and get to know a good few people along the way, one harrowing thing is when we hear from recently diagnosed cancer victims told to start juicing by their health advisor.

Cancer is a cellular disease, your body is made up of millions of tiny cells of different types. Each cell is like an individual little factory with an affinity to the whole, it does it's job and gets on with keeping you going as a human being. Like factories your cells produce waste products and need to be kept running clean and efficiently.

Cellular disease such as cancer can set in if your cells are trying to work in poor conditions for too long, for optimum health you need to be nourished at a cellular level and do all you can to help keep your cells happy and running as they should. Anti-oxidants are a part of this as they neutralize the harmful free radicals that are generated in normal body functions and by other influences such as pollution. Free radicals are always on the attack so your cells need a constant supply of anti-oxidants to neutralize them.

Nature supplies us with the greatest health aids available in the form of fresh, organically grown fruit and vegetables, taken raw, juiced and blended. This is the best way to maintain nutrient quality AND make the goodness easy for our body to access and utilize. Time elapsed after picking, cooking and processing ALL negatively affect the nutritional content of your fruit and veg. Buy local, organic produce and ingest it raw, it's one of the best preventative medicines out there.

Here's what we reckon to be in good cellular health or you could say anti cancer measures.

a) Drink plenty of anti-oxidant rich juices and smoothies, this means good amounts of mainly veggie juice. For maximum retention of the fragile nutrients juices must be from a single auger juicer or a twin gear juicer.

b) Supplement 1000mgs of Vitamin C per decade you've been alive (you really have to supplement this as 1000mgs is about 33 oranges worth, too much even for us to juice!) Supplement a quality multivit and mineral tablet too.

c) Maintain a good level of physical exercise and general activity, breath deeply as this stimulates lymph system. Ever notice how you instantly feel better after returning to the gym after a break?

d) Keep your diet alkaline, read our article about this I supplement my juices with a greens complex too.

e) keep well hydrated with filtered or bottled water.

If you do have a toxin heavy weekend, give your body a helping hand to neutralise the damage with a good dose of Vit C and go heavy on the juicer too! Your body doesn't suddenly get ill, it will fight and fight given the right tools and often win. Disease only sets in when your natural defenses are overwhelmed after a long battle.

Gerson therapy often achieves very good results juicing for cancer sufferers as poor diet and nutritionally void food is a major cause of cellular diseases as they supply no anti-oxidant power. Gerson therapy patients undergo a regime of as many of 12 organic, cold pressed juices a day. As well as highly alkaline this treatment gives the body what it needs to strengthen and fight back as well as cleanse. Your body needs these building blocks of natural nutrition to build, maintain itself and fight disease effectively. It is critical for Gerson Therapy patients to use a slow turning juicer like an auger juicer and organic produce, the last thing your body needs is more work to do like booting out pesticide residue.

Fight the good fight on a daily basis! our cells are continually attacked by free radicals therefore need to be continually supported by good nutrition, plenty of water and regular exercise. Regular physical activity blows away the cobwebs by activating your lymph system, lymph is the fluid that carries away toxins. If you are ill and seeking help we can put you in touch with your nearest Gerson therapist and supply all the equipment you need to adopt a life changing diet.

Wheatgrass juice is a potent green juice too; heavily alkaline and very cleansing it's so powerful as a detoxifier it often causes pretty instant detox headaches or nausea when first taken. There are hundreds of stories and testimonials as to the power of wheatgrass, with good reason too, the juice is high in chlorophyll, offers pretty much every mineral and vitamin out there AND tastes pretty good too.

For more information follow the link on our resources page and remember, prevention is so much better than cure, make changes today that will positively effect all of your tomorrow's and you are well on the way to a healthy life.

Mark makes a lot of juicer recipes and tries to be as healthy as he can be.

For more ideas on juicer recipes and healthy foods have a look at our information archive.


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