Friday, March 1, 2013

Top Restaurant Recipes

At some point in your life you have probably gone out to eat in a restaurant and had a meal so wonderful that you wished you had the recipe so you could make the same meal at home.

I remember being in a restaurant one time a few years ago and I tried a soup that was incredibly delicious. Even my very picky little girl liked it and asked for seconds! That is something that NEVER happens! I asked my hostess about getting the recipe for the soup and was told that I would have to pay $200 for the recipe! Well, I didn't like the soup that much! Needless to say, I left without the recipe!

I am a person who eats out alot because I'm not the worlds greatest cook. I don't know the first thing about seasonings and spices and different types of sauces. My family can certainly attest to that! It's not uncommon for someone in my family to spend time in the bathroom after eating one of my concoctions!

I started searching the internet for recipes, but I'm a picky person and I won't just try anything simply because it sounds good. When I attempt a new dish, it has to be something I've tasted before and it has to be something that I've actually seen before so I'll know what the end result is suppose to look like. Yes, I'm a weird one!!!

I found a great recipe book with recipes from several top quality local restaurants and it has made a huge difference for me and the way I cook. The ingredients are easy to find, the recipes are easy to prepare, you can make your food your way, and still get incredible results. You also get recipes on drinks, deserts, and candies as well as low carb recipes from the South Beach Diet and the Adkins Diet.

This recipe collection is absolutely wonderful! I think many of you will agree with me when I say that stumbling across this book was a great find. If you want to read more, visit my blog at:


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